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The Shortest Book On How To Write Your Book

We all have a story to tell including YOU, yes YOU - the person reading this synopsis! Now, I  understand the thought  of beginning  any project  seems overwhelming. Unsurprisingly, writing a book it's not an easy feat… until NOW!  Kandra Albury has occupied several  multimedia roles including: a television news producer, news reporter, speech professor, and corporate communications specialist.


Using her vast array of writing experiences, Kandra has coached her clients through the writing and self-publishing process since 2015.


This tool will not only help you get started with your literary masterpiece, but it will captivate your interest from beginning to end.  Kandra also teaches the hopeful authors  how to professionally brand their message and earn the respect they deserve as a professional author and leading authority in the literary marketplace

The Shortest Book On How To Write Your Book

SKU: KA002

    Kandra Albury

    Here. Now. NEXT Strategist & Solutionist

    © 2024 Kandra Albury


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